
You can change account where you receive emails from Lunchclub under Settings → primary email.

You can also connect additional Google accounts to your Lunchclub account to add and invite more connections. This will help our AI learn about who is in your network and find more relevant matches for you! We do not contact any of your connections without your permission.

You can edit your objectives under Settings in the top right corner when logged in. You can also add details to your objectives in the same page. The more information you give us, the more we can cater your matches to you! Each week, you can select your primary objective for the week. This means that the algorithm will lean towards matching you for that objective over the others.

If you’re looking to pause meetings for a few weeks, you can select “snoozed” on the Settings page and pause emails for 1-4 weeks.

If you’ve relocated, you can update your account hub under Settings in the top right corner when logged in. If you’d like to meet more people outside of your immediate hub, you can also toggle “best match globally” when signing up each week on the Weekly page.

You can delete your account under Settings in the top right corner when logged in. This will permanently delete all records of previous matches and Clubpoints, so you may consider signing up for 1-2 more matches to spend them on meeting a founder or investor.

You’re also welcome to rejoin with the same email at any time—we’ll miss you!

Your contact and calendar data helps us schedule meetings and ensure that your matches are relevant (not matching you with people you already know, for instance). We do not contact any of your connections without your permission. We are serious about your privacy and will never share your private data with other users or third parties without your consent. You can find more information on our privacy policy.

If you had an experience that you would like to report to us, please click contact us below, and we’ll look into this right away.


Yes! Our matches are always picked by our AI.

Our AI makes the best, mutually-relevant matches using the information you provide for us through your profile, feedback, and contacts. You can improve the relevancy of your matches by:

  1. Keeping your profile headline updated with your current role or title
  2. Adding conversation starters to your profile
  3. Keeping your interests updated in your profile
  4. Browsing the homepage and letting us know which users are relevant to you
  5. Taking more meetings and completing the post-meeting feedback form
  6. Connecting more Google accounts
  7. Adding more specificity to your objective details

Our users often tell us that their matches surprise them, so give it a shot! If you do feel the match was a poor fit after meeting, let us know by using the post-meeting review we email after each meeting — it will help our AI learn and improve match quality for you and all of our users.

Please note that our community guidelines do prohibit and penalize ghosting.

Contact Us

Customer service

Have a question not covered above? Send us a message! Someone on our team will get in contact with you as soon as we can! Contact us with the button below or at support@lunchclub.ai

Product Feedback

Do you have feedback or suggestions for us? Let us know here! We love hearing from you to improve your Lunchclub experience! Send feedback with the button below or at support+product@lunchclub.ai